Bruno *SOLD*

Breed: Doberman

Training: Off-Leash Obedience

Meet Bruno *SOLD*!

Introducing Bruno, a young and vibrant European Doberman in training. Bruno is not just a stunning canine; he is also very affectionate with his owners, making him the perfect addition to a household with or without children. Dobermans are known as “velcro” dogs, they love nothing more than to be with their owner, Bruno is no different. Bruno is more than just a charming face – he’s a well-behaved, quiet companion, making him an excellent choice for families seeking a canine companion that effortlessly fits into their daily routines. Consider Bruno as the perfect blend of charm, obedience, and deterrence. Whether you’re looking for a companion for the kids or a watchful deterrent for your home, Bruno is poised to be the exceptional canine your family deserves. Bruno has a good natural protective instinct and can be trained in protection if you so choose.

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We are located in South Florida and deliver worldwide.

Phone: 954-548-8051
BUSINESS HOURS: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

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